Senin, 31 Agustus 2009

* Home * Pictures * Videos * Quotes * Hairstyles * Fashion * Celebrity Babies Anderson Cooper Bashes Heidi Montag, Spen

Move over, Al Roker. Another TV journalist has taken hilarious, cheap shots at Heidi Montag and sparked venomous a retort from her slimy husband Spencer.

Earlier this week, CNN's Anderson Cooper called the recent Miss Universe performance by Heidi - whoever she is - a "fresh new way to embarrass herself."

With a clip of the epic crap-fest playing in the background, Cooper said he doesn't know "who this person is, nor why she is pretending to be a singer, nor why anyone should actually listen to her, but apparently, she's famous." Point, AC!

In reference to Heidi thanking God after her performance, Cooper said that "I really don't think God had anything to do with this. If God had time to work on this production, if this is the best God can do, then we're all in trouble."

He also noted that Heidi could not remember the lyrics to her own song ... while lip-synching. Classic, and quite true. But Spencer Pratt was not amused.

Anderson Cooper PictureHeidi at Miss Universe

"Between health care, CIA interrogation techniques and the economy, I think it's funny how the Silver Coyote spent four minutes discussing someone who he claims to not know exists," Spencer said, even though it was closer to one minute.

Pratt added that Cooper is "trying to get a piece of Speidi's fame."

"It's our pleasure to help out anyone whose ratings are in need," Spencer said. "We appreciate every second people spend talking about the greatest performance in television history, which over a billion people saw."

EDITOR'S NOTE: A billion people did not watch. Six million did in the U.S., plus a few million more elsewhere. So he's right, give or take 990 million.

Why let facts stand in the way of a good press release, right Spencer? Then again, he also compared her to Michael Jackson earlier this week. Sigh.

Here's Anderson Cooper's commentary on Heidi's "singing" ...

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